‘Warrior Poet’

The Goodman Award, Mountain Oyster Club


“When I decided to pursue this craft full-time, with the support of my loving family, I sought out the most rigorous and honest training methods available. I have been chasing the illusive excellence of past generations of oil painters while trying to understand my place in that lineage. I aspire to tell stories that resonate with that bit of objective beauty and truth that runs through the heart of every man and woman regardless of time and place.”


My influences are both traditional and contemporary. My favorite paintings are those that have both excellent narrative and excellent technique elements. I also appreciate maximizing the potential of the medium by utilizing impasto with thin paint, muted color with high chroma, and loose application with high rendering.


I still marvel at the simplicity of the medium and yet how infinite it is at the same time. I love the beauty and melancholy of the medium. As a child drawing was all I wanted to do, so while I continue to master graphite and charcoal with new understandings, it will remain partially nostalgic for me.